New locality for White-masked Antbird Pithys castaneus and other avian range extensions for dpto. Loreto, Peru
Fabrice Schmitt, Raphaël Sané, Marc Thibault and Gabriel Vásquez
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 1–9
Zapata Peninsula: important breeding sites for Cuban endemic birds are endangered!
Arturo Kirkconnell and James W. Wiley
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 10–23
Birds of a habitat mosaic in the threatened Cerrado of central São Paulo, Brazil
Vagner Cavarzere and Felipe Arantes
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 24-36
Distribution of Violaceous Quail-Dove Geotrygon violacea in Peru with four new localities
Alexis Díaz and Gordon Dimmig
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 37-40
O ninho, ovos e filhotes do surucuá-de-coleira Trogon collaris no rio Juruá, Amazônia
Gabriel Augusto Leite
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 41-42
Registro documentado do piru-piru Haematopus palliatus no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil
Jonathas Lins de Souza, José Cláudio de Araujo Junior, Victor Leandro-Silva, Rachel Maria Lyra-Neves e Wallace Rodrigues Telino-Júnior
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 43
First record of Mottled Owl Strix virgata for Goiás, central Brazil
Crizanto Brito De-Carvalho, Evellyn Borges de Freitas, Renato de Carvalho Batista, Camilla Angélica Lima, Ricardo Araújo Prudente Pires and Filipe Viegas Arruda
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 44
O limite meridional da distribuição geográfica de Nothura boraquira no Brasil
Maycon Ailton de Rezende, Santos D’Angelo Neto e Kassius Klay Santos
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 45-46
First detailed dietary information for Rusty-barred Owl Strix hylophila
Helbert Eduardo Noventa, Carlos Otávio Araujo Gussoni, Marcus Vinicius Brandão, Pamella Gusmão Brennand, Ernesto Godoy Trondle, Gustavo Pinto and Rogério Carlos Machado
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 47-48
First records of Surucua Trogon Trogon surrucura aurantius in São Paulo city, Brazil
Marcella Fortes Falcão, Carlos Otávio Araujo Gussoni and Lucas Dalle Luche
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 49
Rediscovery of Black-fronted Piping Guan Aburria jacutinga in the Itajaí Valley, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil
Ivo Kindel and Glauco Kohler
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 50-51
A nest of Blue-bellied Parrot Triclaria malachitacea in southern Brazil
João Paulo Gava Just, Rafael Spilere Romagna, Bento Tadeu L. Junior and Jairo José Zocche
Cotinga 39 online (2017): 52-53