Cotinga Issue 37 Autumn 2015


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The avifauna of Cajas National Park and Mazán Reserve, southern Ecuador, with notes on new records
Pedro X. Astudillo, Boris A. Tinoco and David C. Siddons
Cotinga 37 online (2015): 1–11

Range extension and new habitat for the Critically Endangered Royal Cinclodes Cinclodes aricomae
Constantino Aucca C., Fábio Olmos, Oscar J. Santander and Alan Chamorro C.
Cotinga 37 online (2015): 12–17

Noteworthy bird records from southern Yucatán state, México
Markus P. Tellkamp and Thomas H. Martin
Cotinga 37 online (2015): 18–21

Observations on the breeding and distribution of Lava Gull Leucophaeus fuliginosus
Thalia Grant, Olivia H. Estes and Gregory B. Estes
Cotinga 37 online (2015): 22–37

Notes on breeding birds from the Villano River, Pastaza, Ecuador
Héctor Cadena-Ortiz and Galo Buitrón-Jurado
Cotinga 37 online (2015): 38–42