- Records of Atlantic Royal Flycatcher Onychorhynchus coronatus swainsoni from Santa Catarina, southern Brazil
Francisco Mallet-Rodrigues, Marcel Guentert and Guy M. Kirwan
Cotinga 26(2006): 6–8
- Southernmost record of Tennessee Warbler Vermivora peregrina, in Chile
Juan C.Torres-Mura and Fritz Hertel
Cotinga 26(2006): 8–9
- The nest, eggs, nestlings and fledglings of Fiery-throated Fruiteater Pipreola chlorolepidotain north-east Ecuador
Rudolphe A. Gelis, Harold F. Greeney, Murray Cooper and Caroline Dingle
Cotinga 26(2006): 10–12
- The nest and eggs of Red-winged Wood-rail Aramides calopterus in the foothills of north-east Ecuador
Jarol F.Vaca B., Harold F. Greeney, Rudolphe A. Gelis, Caroline Dingle, Neils Krabbe and Mike Tidwell
Cotinga 26(2006): 13–14
- Natural history notes on parrots feeding on fruits of Myracrodruon urundeuva(Anacardiaceae) in three South American dry forest regions
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos, Santos D’Angelo Neto, Diego Hoffmann and Henrique Belfort Gomes
Cotinga 26(2006): 15–19
- New records of rare and threatened birds from the Atlantic Forest of Misiones, Argentina
Alejandro Bodrati and Kristina Cockle
Cotinga 26(2006): 20–24
- Sobre a distribuição de aves em Santa Catarina, Brasil, parte I: registros relevantes para o estado ou inéditos para a Ilha de Santa Catarina
Vítor de Q. Piacentini, Ivo R. Ghizoni-Jr., Marcos A. G.Azevedo e Guy M. Kirwan
Cotinga 26(2006): 25–31
- Historia natural y estimación preliminar de la abundancia relativa mediante tasas de encuentros de Crax globulosa en un bosque de várzea en el departamento del Beni, Bolivia
Hugo Aranibar-Rojas y A. Bennett Hennessey
Cotinga 26(2006): 32–35
- The Titicaca Flightless Grebe Rollandia microptera population of Río Laka Jahuira, Bolivia
André Konter
Cotinga 26(2006): 36–38
- First record of Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus in Peru and other observations of Nearctic waders at the Virilla estuary
Nathan R. Senner
Cotinga 26(2006): 39–42
- The first Central American record of White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis
Oliver Komar, Adri de Gelder†, Kerem A. Boyla, George Angehr, Philip Balderamos and Gary Allport
Cotinga 26(2006): 43–45
- Primer registro de Oxyura vittata en Bolivia
Oswaldo Maillard Z., Eduardo Caballero, Gustavo Sánchez, Luis Acosta, Diana Rocabado, Miguel Velásquez, Carlos Terceros y William Alvis
Cotinga 26(2006): 46–47
- Unusual and noteworthy nesting records for Guatemala
Knut Eisermann and Daniel M. Brooks
Cotinga 26(2006): 48–51
- Nest of the Long-tailed Antbird Drymophila caudata
Rudolphe A. Gelis and Harold F. Greeney
Cotinga 26(2006): 52–53
- Registros inusuales de aves migratorias y de bosques subtropicales en Quito, Ecuador
Galo Buitrón y Juan F. Freile
Cotinga 26(2006): 54–56
- Notas adicionales sobre la distribución de algunas especies de aves en Veracruz, México
José Cruz Bojorges Baños y Lauro López-Mata
Cotinga 26(2006): 57–59
- Records of Sternini from the Valley of México
Héctor Gómez de Silva, Manuel Grosselet, Alejandro Meléndez Herrada and Richard G.Wilson
Cotinga 26(2006): 60–62
- Description of the nest and eggs of White-lored Tyrannulet Ornithion inerme in north-east Brazil, with notes on reproductive behaviour
Sidnei de Melo Dantas and Glauco Alves Pereira
Cotinga 26(2006): 63–65
- First records and breeding of Long-tailed Potoo Nyctibius aethereus for French Guiana
Vincent Pelletier, Alexandre Renaudier, Olivier Claessens and Johan Ingels
Cotinga 26(2006): 69–73