- An update on status of birds from Isla Cozumel, Mexico
Steve N. G. Howell
Cotinga 22 (2004): 15-20
- First report of cavity-nesting in Elfin-woods Warbler Dendroica angelae at Maricao State Forest, Puerto Rico
Rafael Rodríguez-Mojica
Cotinga 22 (2004): 21-23
- Observations on the vocalisations and behaviour of Black-chested Tyrant Taeniotriccus andrei from the Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brazil
Kevin J. Zimmer and Andrew Whittaker
Cotinga 22 (2004): 24-29
- First record of Yellow-cheeked Becard Pachyramphus xanthogenys in Madre de Dios, Peru, and notes on birds from the same locality
Daniel J. Lebbin
Cotinga 22 (2004): 30-34
- New localities for the Austral Rail Rallus antarcticus in Argentina, and first record from the Falkland Islands
Germán Pugnali, Mark Pearman, Graciela Escudero, Daniel Vaquero and Tony Chater
Cotinga 22 (2004): 35-37
- A Brazilian Merganser Mergus octosetaceus nest in a rock crevice, with reproductive notes
Ivana Reis Lamas and Jean Pierre Santos
Cotinga 22 (2004): 38-41
- Breeding biology of White-faced Nunbird Hapaloptila castanea in Ecuador
Nicholas Athanas and Judy Davis
Cotinga 22 (2004): 42-46
- The threatened birds of the río Frío Valley, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Ralf Strewe and Cristobal Navarro
Cotinga 22 (2004): 47-55
- Información adicional sobre la avifauna de los estados de Hidalgo y Querétaro, México, incluyendo nuevos registros estatales
Fernando González-García, Fernando Puebla Olivares, Sergio Barrios Monterde, Mara Neri Fajardo y Héctor Gómez de Silva Garza
Cotinga 22 (2004): 56-65
- Aspectos de la biología del Pitirre Real Tyrannus cubensis, en Najasa, Camagüey, Cuba
Pedro Regalado
Cotinga 22 (2004): 66-72
- A bird survey of Torcillo-Sarayoj, the lower Yungas of Madidi National Park, Bolivia
A. Bennett Hennessey
Cotinga 22 (2004): 73-78
- Notes on Cock-tailed Tyrant Alectrurus tricolor in Bolivia
José M. Padial and Javier Heredia
Cotinga 22 (2004): 79-80
- Preliminary bird observations in the rio Jauaperí region, rio Negro basin, Amazonia, Brazil
Mogens Trolle and Bruno A. Walther
Cotinga 22 (2004): 81-85
- The Ocellated Turkey Meleagris ocellata in Chiquibul Forest, Belize, 1994–1996
Tony King and Nicodemus Bol
Cotinga 22 (2004): 86-91
- Ocorrência do Formigueiro-do-nordeste Formicivora iheringi na Estação Ecológica de Acauã, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Santos D’Angelo Neto & Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos
Cotinga 22 (2004): 92-93