Main Papers
2 Changes in the status and distribution of savanna birds of Beni and Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Paul van Els, Jacob T. Wijpkema, Tini Wijpkema and Miguel Montenegro Ávila
14 First records of Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus in French Guiana
Paul Lenrumé, Olivier Claessens, Alexandre Vinot, Michel Giraud-Audine, Julien Piolain, Grégory Cantaloube, Vincent Rufray and Alexander A. Schlatmann
20 Distribution of Polioptila gnatcatchers on the western slope of the Andes in central Peru
Rutger Koperdraad
Orlando Acevedo-Charry and Nick Gardner
Andrew C. Vallely and Mark Wainwright
Gil Jacotot and Olivier Claessens
43 First description of the nest and eggs of the Spot-throated Hummingbird Thaumasius taczanowskii
Vladislav Marcuk and Pascal Eckhoff
Marcelo O. Barbosa e Paulo de Tarso Zuquim Antas
Fabio Schunck, Marco Aurélio Galvão da Silva, Matheus de Moraes dos Santos, Clarissa de Oliveira Santos, Martin Kunze, Thomas Kunze and Erika Hingst-Zaher
Short Communications
73 First breeding record of the Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinica in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil Fabio Schunck
75 Notes on the nest and hatching of eggs of Solitary Tinamou Tinamus solitarius in the wild Leandro J. C. L. Moraes and Alexandre C. Martensen
75 First Mexican records of Swallow-tailed Gull Creagrus furcatus Steve N. G. Howell
79 Range extension of White-winged Nightjar Eleothreptus candicans in Beni, Bolivia Rob J. Jansen
81 First documented record of Christmas Shearwater Puffinus nativitatis for the Galapagos, Ecuador and South America Pete Morris and Richard Schofield
83 A Chatham Petrel Pterodroma axillaris in Peruvian waters, December 2023 Robert L. Flood, Doug Gill, Colin Rogers, John Ryan, John Shemilt and Kirk Zufelt
86 New record of the Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja in the Atlantic Forest of Jequitinhonha Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil Paulo Quadros de Menezes, Oswaldo Rezende, Henrique Mariano Martins, Brener Fabres da Silva, José Alves da Costa Filho and Aureo Banhos
90 First record of Silvery Grebe Podiceps occipitalis in Minas Gerais state, Brazil Christian Regis da Silva and Thiago de Oliveira Souza
93 First record of Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana for El Salvador Robin Wilfredo Portillo-Aguirre and Guillermo Funes
95 First record of cannibalism in Crested Caracara Caracara plancus Paulo Quadros de Menezes, Henrique Mariano Martins, Brener Fabres da Silva, Vitória Manke Nachtigall and Aureo Banhos