- Predation of Yellow-winged Tanager Thraupis abbas by an arboreal snake in Belize
Thomas R. Rainwater, Marcus C. England, Steven G. Platt and Scott T. McMurry
Cotinga 15 (2001): 8-9
- Identification of Least Tern Sterna antillarum and Yellow-billed Tern S. superciliaris, with a sight record of Yellow-billed Tern from Tobago, West Indies
Floyd E. Hayes
Cotinga 15 (2001): 10-13
- An albino Olivaceous Cormorant Phalacrocorax brasilianus in the Brazilian Amazon
Francisco Mallet-Rodrigues
Cotinga 15 (2001): 14
- A partial albino Red-legged Honeycreeper Cyanerpes cyaneus in Costa Rica
Andrew W. Kratter and Brian Nice
Cotinga 15 (2001): 15–16
- Cecropia fruits and Müllerian bodies in the diet of Chestnut-bellied SeedeaterSporophila castaneiventris
Sérgio Henrique Borges and Ingrid Torres de Macêdo
Cotinga 15 (2001): 17-18
- Nesting of Rufous-capped Motmot Baryphthengus ruficapillus in an armadillo burrow
Jorge J. Protomastr
Cotinga 15 (2001): 19-20
- An ornithological survey of Serra do Caraça, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos and Tadeu Artur de Melo Júnior
Cotinga 15 (2001): 21–31
- Registros del Cuitlacoche de Cozumel Toxoxtoma guttatum posteriores al Huracán Gilberto
Tania Macouzet F. y Patricia Escalante Pliego
Cotinga 15 (2001): 32–33
- Turquoise Dacnis Dacnis hartlaubi, a Colombian endemic in shade coffee plantations
Jorge E. Botero and Juan C. Verhelst
Cotinga 15 (2001): 34–36
- First record of California Gull Larus californicus from the east coast of Mexico
Jon R. King
Cotinga 15 (2001): 37
- First breeding records of Black-chinned Mountain-tanager Anisognathus notabilisand first nesting records in the wild of Blue-winged Mountain-tanagerAnisognathus flavinucha with ecological notes
Ralf Strewe
Cotinga 15 (2001): 38-42
- Population dynamics and natural history of the Sierra Madre Sparrow Xenospiza baileyi at La Cima, Mexico
Adán Oliveras de Ita, Héctor Gómez de Silva and Manuel Grosselet
Cotinga 15 (2001): 43-47
- Additional information on the avifauna of Querétaro, Mexico
Octavio R. Rojas Soto, Francisco Javier Sahagún Sánchez and Adolfo G. Navarro S.
Cotinga 15 (2001): 48-52
- Sight records of new species for Nicaragua and noteworthy records on range and occurrence
David A. Wiedenfeld, José Morales M. and Martín Lezama L.
Cotinga 15 (2001): 53-57
- Una nueva subespecie del Sijú de Sabana Speotyto cunicularia para Cuba
Orlando H. Garrido
Cotinga 15 (2001): 75-78
- First nest of Grey-bellied Comet Taphrolesbia griseiventris
Richard L. Garrigues
Cotinga 15 (2001): 79-80
- Notes on some birds from central and northern Peru
Alfredo J. Begazo, Thomas Valqui, Mark Sokol and Elaine Langlois
Cotinga 15 (2001): 81–87
- Observations of seabirds in Peruvian and Chilean waters during the 1998 El Niño
Gail Mackiernan, Peter Lonsdale, Noam Shany, Barry Cooper and Peter Ginsburg
Cotinga 15 (2001): 88-94
- Photospot: Peruvian Pigeon Columba oenops
Alfredo J. Begazo
Cotinga 15 (2001): 95-96