- Birds of the Potaro Plateau, with eight new species for Guyana
Adrian Barnett, Rebecca Shapley, Paul Benjamin, Everton Henry and Michael McGarrell
Cotinga 18 (2002): 19–36
- Observations from the Tumbes Reserved Zone, dpto. Tumbes, with notes on some new taxa for Peru and a checklist of the area
Barry Walker
Cotinga 18 (2002): 37-43
- The Cerros del Sira revisited: birds of sub-montane and montane forest
Allan Mee, Jan Ohlson, Ian Stewart, Mark Wilson, Peter Örn and Jefferson Diaz Ferreyra
Cotinga 18 (2002): 46-57
- Importance of mangrove forests in Peru with notes on Bare-throated Tiger-heron Tigrisoma mexicanum and Rufous-necked Wood-rail Aramides axillaris
Thomas Valqui and Barry Walker
Cotinga 18 (2002): 58-61
- Additional information on the birds of Ecuador
Steve N. G. Howell
Cotinga 18 (2002): 62-65
- Observaciones sobre la ecología del Periquito Frentirrufo Bolborhynchus ferrugineifrons en zonas cercanas a la Laguna del Otún
Juan C. Verhelst, Ana M. Pfeifer, Oscar Orrego y Jorge E. Botero
Cotinga 18 (2002): 66-70
- Notas sobre la historia natural del Carpintero Buchipecoso Colaptes punctigula en Colombia
Milton Reyes-Gutiérrez y Raúl Sedano
Cotinga 18 (2002): 71-73
- Seeds in droppings of Bare-necked Umbrellabird Cephalopterus glabricollis in Monteverde, Costa Rica: analysis of overlap in fruit diet
Michelle C. Crenshaw
Cotinga 18 (2002): 74-76
- Sympatry of Black-faced Leucopternis melanops and White-browed Hawks L. kuhlialong the lower rio Tapajós, Pará, Brazil
Jos Barlow, Torbjørn Haugaasen and Carlos A. Peres
Cotinga 18 (2002): 77-79
- A case of partial albinism in Giant Conebill Oreomanes fraseri
Grace P. Servat
Cotinga 18 (2002): 80
- Observaciones sobre aves marinas en aguas argentinas, sudeste Bonaerense y Patagonia
Christian Savigny
Cotinga 18 (2002): 81-84
- First records of Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus for Trinidad and Barbados
Floyd E. Hayes, Graham L. White, Martin D. Frost, Bryan Sanasie, Howard Kilpatrick and Edward B. Massiah
Cotinga 18 (2002): 85-88
- New distributional and temporal records of Mexican birds
Héctor Gómez de Silva
Cotinga 18 (2002): 89-92
- A new migration route for Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus in east Cuba
Keith L. Bildstein, Freddy Rodriguez Santana, Luis O. Melian and Mark Martell
Cotinga 18 (2002): 93-95
- Extreme extralimital summer record of Western Tanager Piranga ludoviciana from Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles
Jeffrey V. Wells and Allison Childs Wells
Cotinga 18 (2002): 96-97
- Sight record of Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus for Costa Rica
Douglas W. Faulkner
Cotinga 18 (2002): 98-99
- Consumption of arboreal snails by Scaled Fruiteater Ampelioides tschudii
Robert S. R. Williams
Cotinga 18 (2002): 100
- Photospot: Hoary-throated Spinetail Poecilurus kollari
Arthur Grosset and Jeremy Minns
Cotinga 18 (2002): 114 and 116
- Photospot: White-lored Spinetail Synallaxis albilora
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos and Douglas Brian Trent
Cotinga 18 (2002): 114-116