- Birding Ecuador: a tribute to Paul Coopmans
Niels Krabbe
Cotinga 29 (2008): 12–14
- A brief history of Ecuadorian ‘ornithofily’
Juan F. Freile
Cotinga 29 (2008): 15–18
- Ecuador’s avifauna: the state of knowledge and availability of sound-recordings (1987–2007)
John V. Moore
Cotinga 29 (2008): 19–21
- Critical problems for bird conservation in the Galápagos Islands
David A. Wiedenfeld and Gustavo A. Jiménez-Uzcátegui
Cotinga 29 (2008): 22–27
- Arid valleys as dispersal barriers to high-Andean forest birds in Ecuador
Niels Krabbe
Cotinga 29 (2008): 28–30
- Rediscovery of Black-breasted Puffleg Eriocnemis nigrivestis in the Cordillera de Toisán, north-west Ecuador, and reassessment of its conservation status
Olaf Jahn
Cotinga 29 (2008): 31–39
- Revisión de la situación del Águila Harpía Harpia harpyja en Ecuador
Ruth Muñiz-López
Cotinga 29 (2008): 42–47
- Conservación de aves en Ecuador: ¿cómo estamos y qué necesitamos hacer?
Juan Freile y Fabián Rodas
Cotinga 29 (2008): 48–55
- Nest architecture and placement of three manakin species in lowland Ecuador
José R. Hidalgo, Thomas B. Ryder, Wendy P. Tori, Renata Durães, John G. Blake and Bette A. Loiselle
Cotinga 29 (2008): 57–61
- Further breeding records from the Ecuadorian Amazonian lowlands
Harold F. Greeney and Rudolphe A. Gelis
Cotinga 29 (2008): 62–68
- New and noteworthy records for Tumbesian birds in Ecuador
Alejandro Solano-Ugalde, Agustina Arcos-Torres and Carolina Toapanta Ruperti
Cotinga 29 (2008): 69–71
- Extensión del rango de distribución de ocho especies de aves en las montañas de Mache-Chindul, Ecuador
Luis Carrasco, Andrew Cook and Jordan Karubian
Cotinga 29 (2008): 72–76
- First description of the nest of Yellow-bellied Dacnis Dacnis flaviventer
Kimberly S. Sheldon and Harold F. Greeney
Cotinga 29 (2008): 78–79
- Altitudinal range extensions for Purple Gallinule Porphyrula martinica, Band-tailed Pigeon Columba fasciata and Purple-collared Woodstar Myrtis fanny in Ecuador
Galo Buitrón-Jurado and Tjitte de Vries
Cotinga 29 (2008): 80–81
- Observations on the hatchlings, eggs and incubation of the Masked Trogon Trogon personatus in eastern Ecuador
Harold F. Greeney, Kimberly S. Sheldon and José Simbaña
Cotinga 29 (2008): 82–84
- Ecuador Photo Special
Cotinga 29 (2008): 84–100
- New avian sight records for Nicaragua, with notes on abundance, distribution and habitat use
Jeffrey K. McCrary, Wayne J. Arendt, Salvadora Morales, Joseph T. Arengi and Lorenzo J. López
Cotinga 29 (2008): 102–107
- New records of birds from the northern Cordillera Central of Peru in a historical perspective
Todd Mark, Louise Augustine, Javier Barrio, Jeremy Flanagan and Willem-Pier Vellinga
Cotinga 29 (2008): 108–125
- Avifauna del Parque Nacional Pre-Delta, Entre Ríos, Argentina
Julián Mariano Alonso y Ana Laura Ronchi Virgolini
Cotinga 29 (2008): 126–134
- Decline in the population of Hooded Grebe Podiceps gallardoi?
André Konter
Cotinga 29 (2008): 135–138
- The status of Mississippi Kite Ictinia mississippiensis in Brazil, including further documented records for the country
Andrew Whittaker, Kevin J. Zimmer and Braulio Carlos
Cotinga 29 (2008): 139–143
- Recent records and breeding of Rufous Potoo Nyctibius bracteatus in French Guiana
Johan Ingels, Nigel Cleere, Vincent Pelletier and Vanessa Héquet
Cotinga 29 (2008): 144–148
- Avifauna of a structurally heterogeneous forest landscape in the Serra dos Caiabis, Mato Grosso, Brazil: a preliminary assessment
Alexander C. Lees, Bradley J. W. Davis, Ayslaner V. G. de Oliveira and Carlos A. Peres
Cotinga 29 (2008): 149–159
- Sight records of five bird species new to Colombia from Serranía de Naquen, dpto. Guainía
Jonathan Newman
Cotinga 29 (2008): 160–161
- Descripción preliminar del nido de Pachyramphus spodiurus, especie amenazada
Frank E. Rheindt
Cotinga 29 (2008): 162–163
- Recent records of Pinnated Bittern Botaurus pinnatus in Bolivia
Oswaldo Maillard Z. and Steffen Reichle
Cotinga 29 (2008): 164–166
- The Black-capped Piprites Piprites pileata builds a spherical moss nest
Kristina Cockle, Claudio Maders, Gastón Di Santo and Alejandro Bodrati
Cotinga 29 (2008): 166–168