- Extensión del rango de distribución norte de dos aves endémicas de Perú: Pseudasthenes cactorum e Incaspiza pulchra
Jano Núñez-Zapata y Jorge A. Tiravanti
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 1–4
- New and noteworthy bird records from central and northern Colombia
Benjamin G. Freeman, Steven L. Hilty, Diego Calderón-F., Trevor Ellery and Luis Eduardo Urueña
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 5–16
- Important bird records from Alagoas, Pernambuco and Paraíba, north-east Brazil
Glauco Alves Pereira, Lahert William Lobo-Araújo, Sergio Leal, John Medcraft, Curtis A. Marantz, Mario Tanio F. Toledo, Helder Farias P. de Araujo, Ciro Albano, Thieres Pinto, Claudio Humberto A. dos Santos, Lúcio Cláudio H. Serapião, Gustavo Bernardino Malacco da Silva and Dimas Pioli
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 17–22
- Nesting biology of the Long-wattled Umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger. Part II: nestling provisioning
Harold F. Greeney, Guy M. Kirwan and Eliot T. Miller
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 23–27
- New data on the distribution of Oilbird Steatornis caripensis in Ecuador
Diego F. Cisneros-Heredia, Pierre-Yves Henry, Galo Buitrón- Jurado, Alejandro Solano-Ugalde, Agustina Arcos-Torres and Boris A. Tinoco
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 28–31
- Registros notáveis de aves para o Sul do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Vitor Torga Lombardi, Kassius Klay Santos, Santos D’Angelo Neto, Luiz Gabriel Mazzoni, Bruno Rennó, Raisa Gonçalves Faetti, Ariana Dias Epifânio e Matusalém Miguel
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 32–45
- El Atajacaminos Coludo Macropsalis forcipata en Argentina: ¿una especie amenazada o en expansión?
Alejandro Bodrati y Kristina L. Cockle
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 46–54
- New bird species and distributional records for Jardines de la Reina archipelago, Cuba, during autumn and spring migrations 2009–10
Alain Parada Isada, Eliser Socarrás Torres, Jarenton Primelles Rivero and Dianely Hernández Álvarez
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 55–60
- Avifauna de la Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo Mishana, Loreto, Perú
José Álvarez Alonso, Juan Díaz Alván y Noam Shany
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 61–84
- First record of American Wigeon Anas americana in Ecuador
Tatiana Santander G., Esteban A. Guevara and Nicolás Peñafiel
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 85–86
- Registros de Protonotaria citrea en la región costa de Oaxaca, México
José Cruz Bojorges Baños, Mateo Donald Manuel Ruiz Bruce Taylor y Gabriel Ramos Olivera
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 87–89
- Second record of Ocellated Poorwill Nyctiphrynus ocellatus for Nicaragua and third record for Costa Rica
Robert L. Batchelder and Klemens Steiof
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 90–91
- A Blue Grosbeak Passerina caerulea in north-east Colombia
Dennis Arendt, Roger Robb, Kit Larsen, Lelis Navarette and Jim Regali
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 92–93
- Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris predating a Bogota Rail Rallus semiplumbeus, an endemic and endangered species of Colombia
Esteban Botero-Delgadillo and Sandra Escudero-Páez
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 94–95
- The nest and eggs of Lineated Foliage-gleaner Syndactyla subalaris
Harold F. Greeney
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 96–97
- Black-banded Owl Ciccaba huhula near Podocarpus National Park, southern Ecuador
Thibaut Delsinne and Mauricio Guerrero
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 98–99
- Report of the Trinidad and Tobago Rare Birds Committee: rare birds in 2008–10
Martyn Kenefick
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 100–105
- Fatal attack on an adult Chestnut-fronted Macaw Ara severus by a Boa constrictor in the Brazilian Amazon
Rodrigo Anzolin Begotti and Antonio Marcos Filho
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 106–107
- A nest of Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis at Serra do Amolar, Pantanal, Brazil
Alessandra Bertassoni, Nilson Lino Xavier Filho, Viviane Fonseca Moreira, Ramão Feitosa, Grasiela Porfírio, André W. A. Brandão and Edwin Campbell-Thompson
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 108–109
- Southernmost records of Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus
Lucas M. Leveau
Cotinga 34 online (2012): 110