- Registros de espécies de aves ameaçadas de extinção ou raras para o Estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil
Douglas Meyer
Cotinga 38 (2016): 2-9
- Nest and nestling data for the unnamed ‘Ampay’ Tapaculo Scytalopus sp. from Apurímac, Peru
Justin W. Baldwin and Jacob R. Drucker
Cotinga 38 (2016): 10-14
- Observations on the breeding behaviour of Snowy Cotinga Carpodectes nitidus
Emmanuel Rojas, Juan Carlos Vargas, Gilbert Barrantes and Luis Sandoval
Cotinga 38 (2016): 15-19
- Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata in Bolivia: first documented record for South America
Will H. Knowlton
Cotinga 38 (2016): 20-22
- Nuevos registros de aves en el piedemonte amazónico colombiano
Luis Germán Gómez-Bernal, Fernando Ayerbe-Quiñones y Pablo José Negret
Cotinga 38 (2016): 23-31
- Notable range and altitudinal records from Cusuco National Park and environs, north-western Honduras
Thomas Edward Martin, Fabiola Rodríguez, Wilf Simcox, Iain Dickson, John Van Dort, Ernesto Reyes and Samuel E. I. Jones
Cotinga 38 (2016): 32-39
- Novas ocorrências de aves raras, endêmicas e ameaçadas de extinção para o Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó e Área de Proteção Ambiental Morro da Pedreira, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Lucas Aguiar Carrara e Luciene Carrara Paula Faria
Cotinga 38 (2016): 40-46
- Avifauna da Reserva Biológica do Córrego do Veado, um dos últimos redutos de Floresta Atlântica de Tabuleiros do Espírito Santo, Brasil
Luciene C. P. Faria, Lucas A. Carrara, Paulo de Tarso Z. Antas and José R. Matos
Cotinga 38 (2016): 47-59
- The juvenile plumage of Tamarugo Conebill Conirostrum tamarugense
Laurent Vallotton
Cotinga 38 (2016): 60-63
- Notes on breeding birds from the Guyana highlands with new records from a recent inventory of Mount Ayanganna
Christopher M. Milensky, Mark B. Robbins, Jacob R. Saucier, Brian J. O’Shea, Aleks Radosavljevic, Tristan J. Davis and Meshach Pierre
Cotinga 38 (2016): 64-78
- Observations on a secondary cavity nest of Yellow-crowned Euphonia Euphonia luteicapilla
Taylor Crisologo, Reid Rumelt, Eric Sibbald and Benjamin G. Freeman
Cotinga 38 (2016): 79-81
- Extensiones de rango y registros destacables de aves en el departamento de Piura, noroeste de Perú
Irwing Saldaña, Armando Ugaz, Adalhif Baldeón y L. Martín Vallejos
Cotinga 38 (2016): 82-87
- Recent sightings of Common Raven Corvus corax in the highlands of Guatemala
Pablo Rafael Bolaños Sittler
Cotinga 38 (2016): 88-89
- New distributional, dietary and nesting data for an owl and two diurnal raptors in Costa Rica
Ernesto M. Carman
Cotinga 38 (2016): 89-90
- First documentation of Mangrove Rail Rallus longirostris breeding in Costa Rica
Richard Garrigues and Leonardo Garrigues
Cotinga 38 (2016): 90-91
- Range extension for Swallow-tailed Nightjar Uropsalis segmentata in northern Colombia
Thiago V. V. Costa, Karlla V. C. Barbosa and Luís Fábio Silveira
Cotinga 38 (2016): 92
- Nuevos registros del poco conocido Azor Collarejo Accipiter collaris en Colombia
Juan Sebastián Restrepo-Cardona, Leandro Vargas Marín and Harold D. Rodríguez Lasso
Cotinga 38 (2016): 92-93
- Brood patches in juveniles of four bird species in Venezuela
Cristina Sainz-Borgo
Cotinga 38 (2016): 94-96
- Green-winged Teal Anas crecca carolinensis, first record for Ecuador
Roger Ahlman
Cotinga 38 (2016): 96
- First nest description for Amazonian Trogon Trogon ramonianus, from eastern Ecuador, and a review of breeding data for Green-backed Trogon T. viridis
Harold F. Greeney and Héctor Cadena-Ortiz
Cotinga 38 (2016): 97-98
- Two ‘abnormal’ clutches of Scaled Antpitta Grallaria guatimalensis
Harold F. Greeney and Raúl Valencia-Herverth
Cotinga 38 (2016): 98-100
- Early records of Connecticut Warbler Oporornis agilis in Amazonian Peru
Bruce A. Sorrie
Cotinga 38 (2016): 101
- Parental behaviour in Versicoloured Barbet Eubucco versicolor in Bolivia
Veronica del R. Avalos and Francisco Saavedra
Cotinga 38 (2016): 101-103
- Behaviour and plumage of juvenile Rufous-vented Ground Cuckoo Neomorphus g. geoffroyi, with new records for Acre state, Amazonian Brazil
Tomaz Nascimento de Melo, Luiz Henrique de Medeiros Borges and André Luis Moura Botelho
Cotinga 38 (2016): 103-106
- A águia-chilena Geranoaetus melanoleucus no Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil
José Silvério Lemos
Cotinga 38 (2016): 106-108
- Nuevos registros de Lechuza Bataraz Austral Strix rufipes en ambientes no-boscosos del norte de la Patagonia andina
Juan Manuel Girini y Diego Montalti y Ana Trejo
Cotinga 38 (2016): 108-110
- Three Murphy’s Petrels Pterodroma ultima off the Juan Fernández Islands, Chile, November 2014
Robert L. Flood, Angus C. Wilson, Michael Danzenbaker, John Ryan, John Shemilt
and Kirk Zufelt
Cotinga 38 (2016): 110-112